Citizen of Heaven

HALFTIME REPORT: My Thinkiest Books of 2024 (so far)

Hal Hammons Season 6

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 Thinking is the whole reason the “What I’ve Been Reading” segment exists on the podcast. In fact, it’s why I read at all. It’s gratifying to read things that confirm what you already were thinking, and that can be a worthwhile exercise. But usually the “thinking” to which I refer in this list is the tougher kind — getting outside my comfort zone and considering other possibilities. Sometimes I change my mind, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes I just think I need to read another book. In any case, reading done right encourages you to think, and thinking is a good thing — as long as you don’t think your way out of fearing God and keeping His commandments. Anyway, this list should give you a notion of what I’ve been thinking about so far in 2024. Let’s get started. 

10. Rethinking the Synoptic Problem, David Alan Black and David R. Beck, editors
9. The Bullying Breakthrough, Jonathan McKee
8. Cinematic Faith, William D. Romanowski
7. Winnie-the-Pooh, A.A. Milne
6. If Jesus is Lord, Ronald J. Sider
5. The Myth of Multitasking, Dave Crenshaw
4. American Wolf, Nate Blakeslee
3. The Man Who Was Thursday, G.K. Chesterton
2. The Shadow in the Glass, JJA Harwood
1. Our Eyes are on You, Nathan Ward


Hal Hammons serves as preacher and shepherd for the Lakewoods Drive church of Christ in Georgetown, Texas. He is the host of the Citizen of Heaven podcast. You are encouraged to seek him and the Lakewoods Drive church through Facebook and other social media. Lakewoods Drive is an autonomous group of Christians dedicated to praising God, teaching the gospel to all who will hear, training Christians in righteousness, and serving our God and one another faithfully. We believe the Bible is God's word, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that heaven is our home, and that we have work to do here while we wait. Regular topics of discussion and conversation include: Christians, Jesus, obedience, faith, grace, baptism, New Testament, Old Testament, authority, gospel, fellowship, justice, mercy, faithfulness, forgiveness, Twenty Pages a Week, Bible reading, heaven, hell, virtues, character, denominations, submission, service, character, COVID-19, assembly, Lord's Supper, online, social media, YouTube, Facebook. 



Check out Hal on YouTube at

Hal Hammons serves as preacher and shepherd for the Lakewoods Drive church of Christ in Georgetown, Texas. He is the host of the Citizen of Heaven podcast. You are encouraged to seek him and the Lakewoods Drive church through Facebook and other social media. Lakewoods Drive is an autonomous group of Christians dedicated to praising God, teaching the gospel to all who will hear, training Christians in righteousness, and serving our God and one another faithfully. We believe the Bible is God's word, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that heaven is our home, and that we have work to do here while we wait. Regular topics of discussion and conversation include: Christians, Jesus, obedience, faith, grace, baptism, New Testament, Old Testament, authority, gospel, fellowship, justice, mercy, faithfulness, forgiveness, Twenty Pages a Week, Bible reading, heaven, hell, virtues, character, denominations, submission, service, character, COVID-19, assembly, Lord's Supper, online, social media, YouTube, Facebook.